Five new habits to adopt in 2024

Sleeping advice

Every year, we hear the same words. New year, new me. Our New Year's resolutions are often a really tough job. That’s because these resolutions are well beyond our comfort zone or are not feasible for our current lifestyle. To make our goals more achievable, it makes sense to break them down into smaller parts. In this blog article, we focus specifically on an essential aspect of our well-being: a better night's sleep.

Using the following tips, you’ll not only ensure a good night's sleep, but also better health. Discover with us which small, yet effective adjustments to your daily routine can make a difference for a more comfortable sleep and a healthier life. In this article, we share five easy habits you can try out for a fresh start in 2024.

Let your bedroom breathe

Oftentimes, the bedroom is one of the most poorly ventilated rooms in the house. The air is usually extremely dry, making it perfect for the growth of mould and dust mites. Therefore, regularly leaving your window slightly ajar to bring in clean air is definitely not a bad idea.

Make sure your bedroom is neither too hot nor too cold to ensure a good sleep.

In addition, taking into account the seasons, you can also sleep with the window open. The ideal bedroom temperature is around 18°C. If there’s too much heat, your body has to work harder to cool down, but if the temperature is too low, it has to work harder to keep you warm. Making sure your bedroom is neither too hot nor too cold is the best situation for a good night’s sleep.

Turn making your bed into your first task

Making your bed in the morning shows your body that the wonderful night’s sleep is over and that you are ready to start the day. In doing so, you will also have completed the first task of the day. This ensures that you can have a more productive start of the day and get on with other tasks, such as a quick vacuum or emptying the dishwasher. After a day's work, you come back to a freshly made bed and you’re ready to immerse yourself into a well-earned and long-awaited sleep.

Drop the blue light

Excessive use of screen time before bedtime leads to disruption of your sleep routine. The blue light from your screen reduces the quality of your sleep and causes fatigue. Instead of scrolling, choose activities that are relaxing and blue light free, like reading a book or listening to your favourite music. Avoiding digital screens boosts the production of melatonin, which will improve sleep and also makes it easier to fall asleep.

Steps to sleeping success

Walking after a meal is an excellent idea. Walking helps to make your digestion an effortless task, and it also provides benefits for regulating your blood pressure. You not only bring your body into balance, but you also create the perfect transition to a restorative sleep. You can make it a habit and enjoy a double reward: a happy digestion and the route to a blissful night's sleep.

Turn your bedroom into a space where you can dream

Your bedroom is a tranquil space where you unwind after a long day. Transform your bedroom from a plain space with four white walls into a stylish oasis. You can use soft lighting, warm colours and decorative accents that create an atmosphere of peace and security. The result? A bedroom where you not only sleep, but also dream.