The importance of a good pillow

Sleeping advice

In addition to the bed base and mattress, the pillow should also match the sleeper perfectly, because a fitting pillow helps you sleep well and wake up rested.

But what is a good pillow?

Should I have a thin or a thick pillow? This depends on several factors, such as: do you sleep on your back or on your side? Which body shape do you have and how firm is the mattress? Lastly, personal preference also plays a role. In other words: what do you prefer?

Anything for good sleeping comfort

A good pillow is an important finishing touch to sleeping comfortably. Our neck is an extension of our spine. The cervical vertebrae bear the weight of the head every day. At night, the pillow ensures this weight is carried. That’s why you should choose a well-supporting pillow, ensuring the correct posture of the cervical vertebrae.

"Since every person is different, it is important to choose a pillow that really suits you."

What should you consider?

First of all, the mattress should mould itself to your body. Furthermore, we can generally say that the heavier you are, the firmer your pillow should be. On a soft mattress, the body sinks in a lot more than on a hard mattress, in which case a less-thick neck roll is the best option. Vice versa, if you lie on a hard mattress, you will benefit more from a thicker neck roll.

The Magnitude pillow is a uniquely developed product, whereby the pillow can actually be used in four different positions. Therefore, with our handmade pillow, we offer a fitting solution for every type of sleeper.